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Investing in Your Team: Strategies for Staff Recruitment, Training, and Retention

Unlock the secrets to building a motivated team. The sports industry inherently comes with hurdles in building a core staff. Late nights, seasonal needs, and unique challenges with the dynamic of working with youth and parents. In this episode, we once again chat with Chuck Stollery, Membership Director of US Indoor to glean expert insights on hiring, retaining talent, and inspiring a winning culture. It's possible not just to overcome these challenges but by investing in your staff, to create a team that builds your facility up. To hear his thoughts on streamlining operations, check out his first episode, Streamlining Operations: Best Practices for Facility Management 

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Coaching the Future of Sports

The sports industry is exhilarating, but its unique challenges with staffing can take away from a facility’s top priorities. In this blog, we explore the invaluable wisdom shared by a veteran in the industry. Discover the strategies to hire, build, and keep a motivated team that excels in sports facility management.

Covered in This Episode:

  • Hiring the Dream Team
  • Building the Dream Team
  • Creating a Winning Culture

Highlights and Key Moments:

  • "Pay them enough that money is off the table." - Dan Pink
  • "If you want the best, pay the best."
  • "Inspiration, not motivation, is the key to keeping your team motivated."
  • "Make your employees' lives better, and it makes your life better."
  • "Include them, involve them, and inspire them to excel."
  • "Show them that you care for them as whole persons."
  • "Hiring entry-level talent can be more about developing talent than finding the finished product."
  • "Getting better incrementally inspires your team to do the same."

Hiring the Dream Team

Recruiting the best talent is essential in creating a winning team. Building your dream team involves a comprehensive approach that goes beyond qualifications and encompasses finding cultural fit and compensating them appropriately. In this section, you'll uncover a range of effective tips and techniques for hiring the cream of the crop.

  • Expand Your Hiring Pool: Finding top talent means casting a wide net. The best way to do this is to determine your ideal candidate and determine what that person does for fun, where they currently work, and where they hang out. Those are the places to start your search.
  • Cultural Fit Matters: The significance of cultural fit cannot be understated. Rather than focusing on qualifications and experience, Chuck suggests that the non-tangibles they bring to the table are even more important. Ensuring that new team members align with your organization's values is vital.
  • The Importance of Compensation: Compensation goes beyond numbers; it speaks to how much you value your team. Learn the key aspects of offering competitive pay packages and benefits to attract and retain the best talent. This speaks to a greater culture of value and creates an environment where your employees feel secure.

Building the Dream Team

Hiring the right team is just the beginning; investing in their continuous learning and development is crucial for long-term success. In this section, we explore training and development strategies that will keep your team ahead of the game and motivated to excel.

  • Gamify the Process: Engaging training can lead to more effective learning. Since everyone learns differently, diversifying each section-requiring, reading, listening, and doing, significantly increases the chances that the material will be internalized.
  • Create a Learning Culture: Building a culture of learning is a key driver of success. Rather than limiting higher level training, allow anyone interested to participate, creating a win-win for the organization's proficiency and the employee's skill development.
  • Continuous Learning: In the ever-evolving sports industry, learning never stops. Providing ongoing training is needed but faces challenges from part-time and seasonal employees. Overcome this challenge by offering bite-size pieces of training rather than full blocks of dedicated time to increase engagement and offer time for application.

Creating a Winning Culture

The culture within your organization plays a significant role in motivating your team. A winning culture inspires team members to perform at their best and stay engaged. In this section, we explore the key elements that contribute to creating a culture where each team member is valued, motivated, and committed to success.

  • Caring for the Whole Person: Employees are more than just job titles; they are unique individuals with personal lives. Truly seeing your employees as worth more than just their work builds a culture where employees thrive and want to bring their best to work. 
  • Transparency and Autonomy: Transparency and autonomy foster a sense of responsibility and belonging. Trusting your team and allowing them to operate and thrive under the training they've received empowers them to rise to the challenges faced. These values can be embedded within your organization to create a motivated team that takes initiative and ownership.


Subscribe to the Facility Playbook Podcast

Thank you for joining us on this episode of Facility Playbook! We hope the knowledge shared serves as a valuable resource for facility owners and managers seeking to thrive in the ever-evolving sports industry. Stay tuned for our next episode, where we will continue to bring you expert tips to help you navigate the dynamic world of facility management

Remember that creating a motivated and high-performing team is an ongoing journey. By following these insights and adapting them to your unique environment, you can lay the foundation for success. Always aim to inspire, invest in your team's development, and create a culture that celebrates each team member's contribution.

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